Hospitals use a huge amount of power; energy bills cost the NHS millions every year.

As architects we are committed to sustainable solutions in design. This may be in new buildings – or existing. The solution may be as simple as putting signs above light switches – or developing complex plans to insulate buildings and install systems which reduce power consumption.

The NHS Carbon Reduction Strategy for England (CRS) sets an ambition for the NHS to help drive change towards a low carbon society. The strategy shows the scale of reduction in carbon required for the NHS to meet its legal targets set out in the Climate Change Act, which commits the UK to an 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050. The CRS also recommends key actions for the NHS to become a leading sustainable and low carbon organisation, identifying a 10% reduction by 2015 as crucial for the NHS to meet these legally binding targets.

That means more money to spend on patient care, as well as a healthier environment for future generations and makes energy consumption a major consideration for any organisation in terms of budgetary availability when focussing on additional cost for front line patient services.